Prerequisites n the InfoObject maintenance, the indicator with hierarchies is set for the characteristic to show that the characteristic is allowed to have hierarchies. A source system must be assigned to the InfoSource for master data. If you want to load hierarchies from external systems, you must also maintain the Metadata. Procedure 1.Select the InfoSource tree from the Administrator Workbench. 2.Select the master data InfoSource for the InfoObject, to which you want to load the hierarchy. 3.Choose Assign DataSource from the context menu, and select the source system, from which you want to load the hierarchy. 4.Choose the function Create InfoPackage from the context menu .Give the InfoPackage a description. 5.Choose the pushbutton Hierarchies from the possible data types. You get a list of all the hierarchies that are available in the source system for this InfoObject. 6.On the tabstrip Hierarchy Selection, select the hierarchy that you want to load into the Bus...
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